About Us

Datapluzz Academy, a subsidiary of Datapluzz LLC, a leading IT Consulting Company, is a professional IT institution which is specialized in training students and other professionals in modern competitive IT related courses which are needed for the job market. At Datapluzz Academy, we are not interested in just providing theoretical IT knowledge to our students, but focused on training individuals to become employable to prestigious organizations and/ or setting up their own standard IT firms/ businesses.

We combine an exceptional means to the creation and designing of the course content of our learners. We then recruit professional teachers/ trainers to facilitate the content. Further, we offer our learners lifetime support and access to the course materials and other related contents. Additionally, we provide professional help to ensure our leaners who come excellently from our courses find lucrative jobs.

Our Mission

To close the African-American tech skills gap through data science bootcamps and dedicated I.T. careers support. We intend to achieve this by creating a pathway where top African – American talents and expertise with diverse academic backgrounds can build – up their knowledge, skills and abilities, in order to become enviable data professionals and to contribute to the global economy.

Our Vision

To provide our students and affiliates with the most reliable, quality and innovative technology to meet the needs of the fast – growing complex world, and materializing the democratization of IT education. In this pursuit, we closely relate our operations to the four pillars:

  • High-quality Content
  • Training Pedagogy
  • 24/7 Support
  • Job Assistance

Our Community

Customarily, industry and education/ training have existed in separate domains. At Datapluzz Academy, we pursue the effort in bridging the age – old gap between industry partners, ambitious students, world – class education, and a passionate team, under one umbrella for great success. This is the community of Datapluzz Academy.

Our Values

We are a team of passionate people, poised with wide – ranging passions and aspirations, united by common values which includes, Resourcefulness, Integrity, Openness, Innovations and Time Management.